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Prof. F.J.M. Roeters (1954) has been appointed professor of Comprehensive Dentistry at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Dentistry (Academic Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam, ACTA).
Prof Joost Roeters, ACTA
Photo: Dirk Gillissen

His research will be integrated within educational practice so as to lay a scientific basis for comprehensive dentistry, and also involve students in clinical research at an early stage. A proper form of digital reporting can produce valuable information that contributes to evidence-based dentistry and the development of clinical guidelines and treatment protocols. Quality of life questions and the long-term effects of modern treatment methods will receive special attention.

For a large part of his academic career, Roeters was aligned to the dentistry programme at Radboud University Nijmegen. During this period, he conducted research in the areas of adhesive dentistry and dental epidemiology. Besides playing an active role in post-academic teaching in the area of adhesive dentistry, Roeters is also primary author of the books ‘Cosmetic dentistry with composite’ (Kosmetische tandheelkunde met composiet) and ‘Handbook of esthetic dentistry’ (Handboek esthetische tandheelkunde), which he co-authored with H. de Kloet.  

In 2010 he was named professor by special appointment of Adhesive Dentistry at the UvA, where he combined his position at ACTA with his duties at the dentistry programme in Nijmegen. In 2013 he was asked to take up a full-time position at ACTA as section chief of General Dentistry. The General Dentistry section is responsible for the major part of the education for ACTA’s dentistry students. Within educational practices, patients are treated as part of an integral vision on oral health care.