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Dr L.J.A. Stalpers (1960) has been appointed professor of Translational Radiotherapy for Tumours in the Pelvis Minor at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).
Prof Lukas Stalpers, AMC
Photo: Dirk Gillissen

Lukas Stalpers' research centres around the improvement of treatment for patients with cancer of the pelvis minor. Such improvements can be achieved by bundling knowledge from the various laboratories. More specifically, this will require collaboration between the various disciplines in order to ensure that new insights from the fields of radiobiology, physics and methodology can be combined and developed into practical applications that benefit patients. Stalpers' research group sees researchers from all these disciplines work together in an effort to improve cancer treatments, increase treatment success rates and reduce side effects. Their work has already resulted in more effective use of radiological imaging before and during radiotherapy treatment, the more effective application of knowledge on radiobiological effects on tumours and healthy tissue, and greater insight into the individual patient factors predictive of responses to treatment.

Stalpers is principal investigator at nine projects financed from the third flow of funds, most of which are funded by ​the Dutch Cancer Society. The researchers working on these projects are currently developing the components of a 'biological radiotherapy treatment planning program'. In addition to measuring the usual physical  dosage distribution during radiation therapy, this computer program should also help predict the likelihood of recovery and risks of side effects in individual patients more accurately.

Stalpers has worked as a radiotherapist at the AMC-UvA since 1995. He has served as principal investigator and radiotherapy instructor at the AMC-UvA since 2010. Stalpers has published in a variety of scientific journals, including Lancet Oncology, PNAS and Journal of Clinical Oncology. Amongst other positions, he serves as official secretary of the Netherlands Association of Oncology, advisor on cancer to the European Medicines Agency, and works to reduce tobacco consumption at various organisations.