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Dr K. Jager (1958) has been appointed professor of Medical Informatics, specialising in the epidemiology of renal disease, at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).
Prof Kitty Jonker, AMC
Photo: Dirk Gillissen

Kitty Jager’s fields of research are renal informatics and renal epidemiology, which focus on the relationship between treatments in nephrology and patient outcomes on the one hand and international standardisation of coding systems on the other. Her areas of scientific interest are the prevention of end-stage renal disease, the best time to initiate dialysis treatment in elderly patients, and outcomes of other treatment strategies in this vulnerable patient population. In addition, Dr Jager focuses on the incidence and treatment of end-stage renal disease due to rare diseases in children and adolescents, using data from several European renal registries and cross-border cohort studies performed by the Academic Medical Center, as well as from participation in EU-subsidised consortia.

Dr Jager also contributes to the Academic Medical Center’s Medical Informatics and Medicine curriculum through involvement in teaching on registries and epidemiology and scientific training courses. In an international context, she teaches epidemiology courses to nephrologists.

Dr Jager is an epidemiologist and associate professor at the Academic Medical Center. Since 2007 she has been the principal investigator in the Evaluation of Health Care and Epidemiology line of research, which focuses on renal disease. She is the managing director of the European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry. In addition to co-authoring over 200 scientific papers and contributing to books about nephrology, Dr Jager is on the editorial board of several journals dedicated to nephrology. She is also a member of several international guideline development working groups.