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Dr F.J. Bemelman (1960) has been appointed professor of Nephrology, specialising in kidney transplantation, at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).
Prof Frederike Bemelman
Photo: Dirk Gillissen

Frederike Bemelman works as a nephrologist and clinical immunologist at the Academic Medical Center (AMC). She focuses on patient-centred research, aimed at optimising immunosuppresive regimes following renal transplantation. She also researches the effects on the immune system of various immunosuppressive medicines and the mechanisms of viral and bacterial infections in suppressed immune systems. In doing so, she collaborates with the departments of Vascular Surgery, Pathology, Urology, Clinical Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Neuro-cognitive Sciences and the AMC's Tissue Identification Laboratory.

Bemelman's research focuses both on the pre-transplantion and post-transplantation phase, with the objective of providing the transplant patient with tailored immune suppression, optimising life expectancy and quality of life. Bemelman is currently supervising a group of five PhD students. She has been awarded various grants from organisations such as the Dutch Kidney Foundation and the EU, and has participated in many national and international studies.

Bemelman spent several years conducting basic research into immune tolerance at the Sir William Dunn School in Oxford. Since 2007, she has been the medical director of the transplantation programme and principal investigator for infectious Diseases and Immunology at the AMC. Bemelman is a course director at the European HESPERIS programme for medical specialists in organ transplantation. She also works on information provision to kidney patients, their families and care providers in the region.