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Dr C. Eckes (1977) has been appointed professor of European Law at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Law. Eckes will be combining her professorial duties with her position as director of the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG).
Christina Eckes
Credits: Bram Belloni

Christina Eckes' research examines integration and disintegration dynamics in institutional and constitutional law of the European Union. Since 2011 she has focused in particular on the internal constitutional implications of the EU's external actions. Alongside her research, Eckes teaches a number of Master's level courses at the UvA's Faculty of Law, including EU Foreign Relations Law, European Criminal Law and the core course Principles and Foundations of European Union Law.

At the ACELG, Eckes is one of the researchers leading Compound Constitutions in Europe, a multi-year research programme launched in 2014. Eckes spent the academic year 2012 /2013 as Emile Noël Fellow-in-Residence at New York University. In 2011 she was awarded a Veni grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for a research project entitled Outside-In. Tracing the Imprint of the European Union's External Actions on Its Constitutional Landscape, which is being published as a monograph by Oxford University Press. She is also the author of the seminal monograph on EU sanctions: EU Counter-Terrorist Policies and Fundamental Rights – The Case of Individual Sanctions (Oxford University Press, 2009).

Eckes joined the University of Amsterdam in 2008 after completing her doctoral research at the Centre of European Law at King's College London (2008). She has also taught as a university lecturer in EU law at the University of Surrey in the UK (2007 – 2008).