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Dr R.J.L. Lindauer (1971) has been named professor of Child and Youth Psychiatry at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).
Prof Ramon Lindauer
Credits: Dirk Gillissen

Ramón Lindauer specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of trauma and stress-related disorders in children and young people. He directs research into trauma and stress-related disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety disorders and tic disorders. In particular, his work aims to improve diagnostic methods and treatments for these disorders by gaining greater insight into the mechanisms that cause psychopathology and aspects of treatment that contribute to greater effectiveness. This involves the analysis of both psychological and biological factors and processes. Lindauer also conducts research on factors that increase risk for the development of a disorder, such as traumas and stress.

Lindauer already lectures and teaches the elective on Developmental Psychopathology of Emotional Disorders in Children and Adolescents within the UvA's Bachelor's and Master's-level medical programmes. In his new capacity as professor, he will be directing all courses in the area of child and youth psychiatry.

Lindauer works as a child and youth psychiatrist at the Bascule Trauma and Family Centre, an academic centre providing psychiatric care for children, young people and families in greater Amsterdam. He is also head of the AMC-UvA's Child and Youth Psychiatry department, which is closely affiliated with the Bascule Centre. Finally, Lindauer serves as director of the Bascule's Academic Workplace for Child and Youth Psychiatry, where is responsible for research and innovation.