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Dr S.B. Schagen (1971) has been named professor by special appointment of Cognitive Functions and Cancer Therapy at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The chair was established on behalf of the Netherlands Cancer Institute Foundation.
Prof Sanne Schagen, Cognitieve Functies en Kankertherapie
Credits: Dirk Gillissen

Sanne Schagen does both clinical work and research focused on the cognitive effects of cancer and cancer treatments. She investigates the presence and causes of cognitive problems (such as memory and concentration problems) in relation to different types of tumours and treatment approaches. She also studies methods to alleviate such cognitive symptoms and enable patients to cope as well as possible in their daily lives.

Various partnerships already exist between the UvA's Brain and Cognition department and the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI). As professor at the UvA, Schagen will be organising and supervising research activities uniting the Brain and Cognition department and the NKI. Within the programme group, she will also be developing training for the growing group of neuropsychologists who will be faced with patients who experience cognitive problems following cancer and cancer treatment.

Schagen is a clinical neuropsychologist and has been a researcher at the NKI since 1996. In 2008 she was appointed group leader within the Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology . Schagen is also a co-founder of the International Cognition and Cancer Task Force (ICCTF) that works to promote research in the field of cognition and cancer.