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If you have obtained or will obtain a diploma or degree certificate from an educational institution outside the Netherlands or an international school in the Netherlands, please follow the steps below to apply for this programme.

Application process

  • 1. Check deadlines

    You can submit your enrolment application for the academic year 2024-2025 in Studielink from 1 October 2023 till 15 January 2024.

    The Bachelor's programme in Political Science has a Numerus Fixus. This means the programme has a limited number of places available. We will have 600 places available for the academic year 2024-2025. You are allowed to register for 2 Numerus Fixus programmes in Studielink, but you can only accept 1 offer.

  • 2. Check entry requirements

    Students with a foreign diploma are eligible to apply if their diploma is equivalent to the Dutch pre-university diploma (vwo-diploma) and includes:

    • Mathematics
    • English

    as part of your final examinations. 

    The starting level of a regular study programme at Dutch universities is comparable to that of other Western European countries, which is usually one or two years higher than in most countries outside Western Europe. A student's diploma or certificate from previous education will be compared with the list of country qualifications which has been drawn up by the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

    You are also eligible to apply if you have obtained one of the following Dutch diploma’s:

    • Hbo-propaedeuditc diploma with English and mathematics on Dutch VWO level
    • Hbo-bachelor diploma
    • Wo-propaedeutic diploma
    • Wo-bachelor diploma

    Additional requirements: Mathematics

    In general, mathematics has to be included in the upper secondary education curriculum up until the final year and final examinations. The level of mathematics should be equivalent to at least the Dutch level of VWO mathematics: Wiskunde C. There are no further minimum grade requirements.

    An alternative route to meet the mathematics entry requirement may be to complete one of the English taught mathematics courses and exams offered by the James Boswell Institute in The Netherlands. We will accept VWO certificates in mathematics A, B and C.

    Additional requirements: English language proficiency

    All non-native speakers of English are required to demonstrate sufficient proficiency in English. All students must be able to read textbooks, understand lectures, participate in classroom discussions and complete written assignments in English. 

    The requirement for sufficient English language proficiency can be met in the following ways :

    1. By completing English-taught secondary education in Australia, Canada (with the exception of Quebec), Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America;
    2. By obtaining an International Baccalaureate diploma in English;
    3. By obtaining a European Baccalaureate diploma, with the subject English as first or second language (minimum final score result: 6);
    4. By obtaining a French Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général with the Option Internationale du Baccaluréat (OIB), section britannique/américaine;     
    5. By submitting a valid English language proficiency test certificate. Please see below for the approved tests and minimum scores.

    If your diploma is not mentioned above, please consult the diploma calculator to see if your prior education exempts you from taking the English language proficiency test.

    Minimum test scores

    Test scores must also conform to the following guidelines:

    • An official test score must be received before 1 April 2024 for all international students
    • If you do not provide a test score before this deadline, you must have a test scheduled for a date which is before the deadline
    • Your test score may not be more than 2 years old with respect to the start date of your programme

    Taking the test

    Be sure to plan your test on time; test dates fill quickly and it can take several weeks for you to receive your results. Applications without a sufficient score or with a test date after the deadline, will not be accepted. 


    These applicants are exempted from the English test:

    • Applicants with a Dutch vwo diploma with a satisfactory result (min. 6 out of 10) for English.
    • Applicants with 3 GCE A-levels and 3 GCSE O-levels.
    • Applicants with the course English included in their final examination in one of these diplomas. The course must be passed with a satisfactory result.
    • Applicants who have obtained a Dutch hbo bachelor diploma
    • Applicants who have obtained a Dutch university propaedeutic exam or bachelor diploma

    If the course English was included in your final examination of one of the following diplomas, you are exempted from taking an English Language test:

    •     International Baccalaureate
    •     European Baccalaureate (L1 or L2 with a 6.0 minimum)
    •     Austrian Reifezeugnis
    •     Belgian ASO (in the Flemish-speaking part of Belgium)
    •     Danish Studentereksamenbevis
    •     Estonian Gumnaasiumi Ioputunnistus
    •     Finnish Ylioppilastuskintotodistus
    •     German Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur)
    •     Hungarian Matura Gimnaziumi Erettsegi Bizonyitvany
    •     Latvian Atestats par Visparejo Videjo Izglitibu
    •     Lithuanian Brandos Atestata
    •     Luxembourg Diploma de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires
    •     Norwegian Vitnemal
    •     Romanian Diploma de Bacalaureat
    •     Swedish Slutbetyg
    •     Slovakian Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej skuske obtained at a Gymnazium
  • 3. Submit enrolment application in Studielink
  • 4. Activate your UvAnetID

    After submitting your enrolment application in Studielink, you will receive an email with your UvAnetID within 48 hours. Follow the instructions in the email to activate your ID as you will need it to complete your UvA application.

  • 5. Submit your UvA application form

    After registering in Studielink, you will receive an email from the University of Amsterdam with an invitation to our online application system. This may take up to 48 hours. Here you will submit your application for the programme of your choice.

    Pilot International Baccalaureate

    The UvA is currently running a pilot for EU/EEA nationals who have or will obtain an IB diploma. If you are applying for an English-taught programme at the Faculty of Humanities or for the Bachelor’s Political Science and have or will obtain an IB diploma, you no longer need to submit an application file or resume. You can therefore skip step 6 'upload required documents' and go straight to step 7. You only need to submit the digital results of your IB diploma. Read more about the pilot at www.uva.nl/IBpilot.

  • 6. Upload required documents

    As part of the online application we will ask you to submit the following documents 15 January 2024 at the latest:

    • Diploma(s) and transcript(s) of grades for secondary and, if applicable, higher education. 
      If you have not yet obtained your diploma, please upload your most recent transcript of grades as well as your predicted grades. 
      If your diploma and transcript are not in English, Dutch, French or German, please upload in an official translation as well.
    • Proof of meeting the requirements for English proficiency (if not yet obtained, please upload before 1 April 2023;
    • Curriculum vitae / resume
      Visit the website of Resume Genius for examples of a resume.

    Our team 'Credential Evaluation' will review your documents in order to see if you are eligible for the programme. Every application is considered on its individual merits.

  • 7. Selection procedure

    To be eligible for admission to the programme, you must participate in the selection process. The selection process consists of two weeks of self-study and an assessment day.

  • 8. Wait for your credential evaluation and ranking number

    After uploading your documents via MyInfo we will inform you whether your prior education is sufficient to meet the entry requirements.  

    Your ranking number will be available in Studielink on 15 April 2024. Depending on your ranking number, you may be offered a place in our programme.

After (conditional) admission

  • 9. Accept/decline offer

    As from the date of time you receive your offer from Studielink you have exactly 14 days (14x24 hours) to accept or decline your offer. After 14 days the 'To Do action item' in Studielink will disappear and, with that, the possibility to accept your place. Your place will be given to the next applicant. 

  • 10. Send required documents by mail

    You need to send us certified copies of certificates that demonstrate that you have met the entry requirements by postal mail. Even if you haven't received an offer yet. A certified copy should contain an original stamp and signature by the school's administration or a notary. 

    Documents can be sent to the following address:

    University of Amsterdam
    Central Student Administration - Admissions
    Hogehilweg 21
    1101 CB Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

  • 11. Register for immigration, housing, start appointment

    If you are an international student, you will need to arrange a variety of practical matters before starting your studies. This includes your visa or residence permitinsurance and housing. You will receive an email with more information about this after you have been offered a place. 

  • 12. Request student ID card

    A student ID card is a personal card which serves as proof of identity for examinations or borrowing library books. You will receive instructions on how to request your student ID card. 

  • 13. Pay the tuition fee

    You will need to pay the tuition fee in order to complete your enrolment for a degree programme at the UvA. Find out more about how to pay the tuition fees.