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A Social Safety Taskforce was set up for the period spanning July 2019 to the end of 2020 and was tasked with advising and working on increasing the social safety of staff and students.

The Taskforce focused on four domains from the social safety memorandum (PDF, Dutch, February 2019):

  • A safe university (strengthening the organisation and prevention of harassment and intimidation)
  • Mapping social safety (monitoring and reporting)
  • A safe campus for everyone (physical and online environment.
  • Quick help where necessary (The taskforce focused on how the monitoring of signals and the handling of questions, complaints and incidents was experienced. The legal aspects of the organisation of social safety, such as safeguarding signals and handling complaints, the position of the ombudsperson and the embedding of confidential advisers was reviewed by others.)

On Monday, February 15, the Taskforce presented its report with findings and recommendations. In doing so, it completed its assignment.

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