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For an overview of accommodation types and the monthly rent, please select one of the options below, matching your situation.

I'm staying for a maximum of one year

  • All researchers (PhDs, postdocs, assistant professors, guests)
    Accommodation type Household Rent (per month)

    Private studio

    • Furnished
    • Max 1 year stay

    No children or pets allowed

    From €620 to €2100
    (incl. utilities)

    Hotel room

    • Private bathroom
    • Shared kitchen
    • Max 6 month stay

    No children or pets allowed

    From €995 to €1245
    (incl. utilities)

I'm staying for more than a year

  • International PhD candidates (+/- 4 years)

    Who is eligible

    • International PhD candidates receive assistance with housing for the duration of their research: for most PhDs, this is around 4 years. 
    • PhD candidates affiliated with international universities are also eligible, provided they have received an application for UvA Staff Housing service.

    What is available

    Accommodations reserved for PhD students are part of the Dutch social housing system (this is subsidised housing, comparable to council housing in the UK). The accommodations are:

    • Small and basic: either a studio (around 20-30 square metres) or a private bedroom in shared apartment.
    • Located in neighbourhoods across Amsterdam. A commuting time of 40-60 minutes from your home to your work location is common in Amsterdam.

    Long-term accommodation for PhDs

    Accommodation type Household Rent (per month)
    Room in a shared flat,
    Single From €350 and €750
    (excl. utilities)
    Private studio,
    Single/couple From €650 and €1535
    (excl. utilities)
    One-bedroom apartment,
    Couple From €650 and €1885
    (excl. utilities)
    Family accommodation,
    unfurnished, 2 bedrooms
    PhD candidate
    with child(ren)
    From €800 and €1200
    (excl. utilities)

    Family accommodation for PhDs

    UvA Staff Housing does not have many two-bedroom apartments and family accommodations reserved. We advise you to look for accommodation on your own because we can’t guarantee that any will be available through UvA Staff Housing at the time your arrive. When considering moving to Amsterdam with your family, you could first come by yourself; it's easier to search for family accommodation once you are in Amsterdam. UvA Staff Housing unfortunately cannot offer any accommodation for families with 3 or more children.

    It may take some time to find long-term accommodation for you

    Long-term housing for PhD students is scarce. Because of this, we may first have to offer you short stay accommodation (for 6-12 months) before we find a home for the remainder of your studies. 

  • Visiting researchers, guests, assistant professors and lecturers

    For researchers and guests (assistant professors, lecturers etc.) staying more than 1 year, Staff Housing provides accommodations in the private housing sector:

    • These are mostly studios (+/- 32 m2). There are a few 1-bedroom apartments, but not many.
    • They are mostly located on the outskirts of Amsterdam: Ijburg, Amsterdam South-East (Zuidoost) and Diemen.

    Please note: rental agreements with private housing organisations permit a maximum stay of 2 years. As a result, UvA Staff Housing can only provide a housing service for 2 years. After 2 years, you will need to find accommodation on your own

    Accommodation types and costs

    Accommodation type Household Rent (per month)

    Private studio

    Single/couple From €1000 to €1300
    (excl. utilities)

    1-bedroom apartment/large studio

    Couple From €1000 to €1900
    (excl. utilities)

    Family accommodation in the private housing sector

    UvA Staff Housing does not have many two-bedroom apartments and family accommodations reserved within the private housing sector. We advise you to look for accommodation on your own because we can’t guarantee that any will be available through UvA Staff Housing at the time your arrive.

    When considering moving to Amsterdam with your family, you could first come by yourself; it's easier to search for family accommodation once you are in Amsterdam. UvA Staff Housing unfortunately cannot offer any accommodation for families with 3 or more children.

  • Postdoctoral researchers (Postdocs)

    For postdocs staying more than 1 year, Staff Housing provides accommodations in the private housing sector:

    • These are mostly studios (+/- 32 m2). There are a few 1-bedroom apartments, but not many.
    • They are mostly located on the outskirts of Amsterdam: Ijburg, Amsterdam South-East (Zuidoost) and Diemen.

    Accommodation types and costs

    Accommodation type


    Rent (per month)

    Private studio


    From €1000 to €1300
    (excl. utilities)

    1-bedroom apartment/large studio


    From €1000 to €1900
    (excl. utilities)

    Family accommodation in the private housing sector

    UvA Staff Housing does not have many two-bedroom apartments and family accommodations reserved within the private housing sector. We advise you to look for accommodation on your own because we can’t guarantee that any will be available through UvA Staff Housing at the time your arrive. When considering moving to Amsterdam with your family, you could first come by yourself; it's easier to search for family accommodation once you are in Amsterdam. UvA Staff Housing unfortunately cannot offer any accommodation for families with 3 or more children.

I’m coming with a partner, family or pet
  • Housing for a couple

    Most of the housing reserved by UvA Staff Housing is meant for single occupancy. UvA Staff Housing does has some accommodation suitable for couples. If you’re coming together with a partner please be aware that no suitable accommodation can be guaranteed. Please also look for housing on your own. On the UvA Staff Housing website you will find information on how to find accommodation.

  • Family housing

    UvA Staff Housing has very few accommodations reserved that are suitable for families.

    If you are coming with a family for less than one year then we cannot help you with housing.

    If you are coming with a family for more than one year then we might be able to help you with housing. UvA Staff Housing unfortunately cannot offer any accommodation for families with 3 or more children.

  • Housing without pet restrictions

    Most of the reserved accommodation have restrictions on pets. If you’re planning on bringing a pet, please be aware that there is a high chance that we cannot help you with housing. In this case please look for housing on your own. In case your pet is also your support animal, please inform us about this per email.

Locations of UvA Staff Housing accommodations

Most of the accommodations reserved by UvA Staff Housing are in neighbourhoods surrounding the city centre or outside of the ringway. It is very common in Amsterdam to have a commute of 40 to 60 minutes.