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On Tuesday 3 July, the first Graduation Ceremony will take place at Amsterdam University College (AUC). The liberal arts and sciences programme offered by AUC, a joint institute of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and VU University Amsterdam (VU), was launched in 2009.

On Tuesday 3 July, the first Graduation Ceremony of Amsterdam University College (AUC) will take place at VU University Amsterdam (VU). The liberal arts and sciences programme offered by AUC, a joint institute of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the VU was launched in 2009. The AUC graduates will be the first batch of students to receive a joint Bachelor's degree from the UvA and the VU.

The graduates from the AUC’s Bachelor’s degree (Honours) programme have been admitted to selective Master’s degree programmes in the Netherlands and abroad. Some students will continue their studies at the VU and the UvA, while others will go to institutionsincluding TU Delft, Oxford University, the London School of Economics, University College London, Kings College London, the University of Edinburgh, Columbia University and Upssala University.

Of the students who are graduating, 15% were recipients of a scholarship from the AUC Scholarship Fund (ASF). Six companies - Shell, Rabobank, Schiphol Group, KLM, Akzo Nobel and PWC - contribute to the diversity of AUC by sponsoring scholarships. The ASF supports students who have the talent and ambition to study at the AUC, but not the financial means.

The graduation ceremony is closed to the public.

About AUC

As a selective and residential honours college, AUC attracts students from all over the world under the motto ‘Excellence and Diversity in a Global City’. It offers an English-taught liberal arts and sciences programme that crosses the boundaries of languages, cultures and academic disciplines. Students engage in intensive and small-scale seminars with high-calibre international staff. They are selected on the basis of their academic qualities and motivation. Approximately half of the students come from abroad.