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The 100th anniversary of Alan Turing, the British Enigma codebreaker widely considered to be the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, is being celebrated in 2012.To mark this occasion, the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) based at Science Park Amsterdam is organising a unique exhibition.

The 100th anniversary of Alan Turing, the British Enigma codebreaker widely considered to be the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, is being celebrated in 2012.To mark this occasion, the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) based at Science Park Amsterdam is organising a unique exhibition on the life and work of Alan Turing entitled: Turing's Legacy: the hidden force behind computer science.

The Computer Museum of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), also located at Science Park Amsterdam, has made part of its own collection available for this exhibition free of charge. Dr Edo Dooijes, curator of the Computer Museum, was also closely involved in the organisation of the exhibition.

In addition to the Computer Museum, various other UvA institutes have also contributed to the exhibition, namely the Informatics Institute (IvI), the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) and the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics (KdV).

Turing's legacy information

The exhibition Turing's Legacy can be viewed by appointment every Thursday and Friday afternoon until Saturday, 6 October 2012. Visitors will be shown round by a member of the CWI. On Saturday, 23 June and Saturday, 6 October, the exhibition will be open to all visitors from 12:00 to16:00 during the annual Open Day at Science Park Amsterdam.

A visit to the exhibition is free. To reserve please see the email address below. Further information can be found via the website below.

UvA Computer Museum

The Computer Museum is part of the Special Collections of the UvA and is located in the main building of the Faculty of Science at Science Park 904. The public can visit the Computer Museum by appointment. If you would like to do this, please email the curator, Dr. Edo Dooijes, via the link below. Further information on the collection of the UvA Computer Museum can be found via the website below.