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As mentioned in the news message on 17 July, the excavated soil, which is then temporarily stored on the grounds, will be taken away two times during the so-called ‘discharging days’. The first of these ‘discharging days’ will be on Friday, 27 July 2012.

As mentioned in the news message on 17 July, the excavated soil, which is then temporarily stored on the grounds, will be taken away two times during the so-called ‘discharging days’. The first of these ‘discharging days’ will be on Friday, 27 July 2012.

The soil deposits will be loaded with a digger into closed-top soil transport lorries with a capacity of 20-25 m³, which will take away the soil. There will be approximately 10 logistic movements at the Nieuwe Prinsengracht. There will only be one soil transport lorry at a time at the Nieuwe Prinsengracht location, with the other two lorries waiting at the Roetersstraat if there is already a truck loading at that moment. The work will take place under the supervision of a certified inspector, as well as traffic and safety supervisors from 07:00 to 17:00.