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Patti Valkenburg, professor of Youth and Media at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) has been listed among the Top One Percent of productive authors contributing to the top academic journals in communication science. This list of prolific authors appeared in the latest issue of Communication Education.

Valkenburg is the only European scholar on the list. The top academic journals included in the bibliographic analysis are: Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Communication Research, and Communication Monographs. The acceptance rate of these journals is around 8-12%.

In 2011, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of the UvA appointed Patti Valkenburg as Distinguished Research Professor. Valkenburg is also the managing director of CCAM - Center of Research on Children, Adolescents, and the Media. In 2003, she received an NWO VICI grant, in 2009 she received an ERC Grant and in 2011, she was awarded the Spinoza Prize, the highest scientific award in the Netherlands.

S. Bolkan et al. (2012). Prolific Scholarship in Communication: Five years in review. Communication Education, 61,4 (October 2012), 380-394.