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Scientists from the University of Amsterdam and the VU Amsterdam will jump on their bikes on 24 May for the first Amsterdam edition of 'Meet the Professor.' They will visit primary schools in the area to talk about their research, bringing science a little closer to Amsterdam youth. 'For many young people, science can feel quite far out of reach, and perhaps something that is not for them. We would like to break this image,' states Peter-Paul Verbeek, rector magnificus of the University of Amsterdam.

Students at participating primary schools are already playfully getting to know the scientist who will soon be visiting. Using special teaching materials, they discuss what science is, what scientists do and which terminology their guest teacher uses. The students also create their own research questions and explore the image they have of a scientist. During the guest lecture, the scientists then discuss their daily work in interaction with the students, and afterwards the scientists and schools exchange their experiences.

Expanding access to science

By organising this joint Meet The Professor, the UvA and VU aim to increase access and proximity to science. 'Ask someone to draw a scientist, or even google the term "scientist", and soon a stereotypical image of a scientist pops up. Often a white guy, wearing a lab coat, glasses on and chemistry tube in hand,' explains initiator Bart Groeneveld of the UvA. 'This can create a great distance to students who do not recognise themselves in it, especially students with a non-western migration background or with parents who are not academically educated.'

We hope primary school children will soon be able to recognise themselves in the scientist Bart Groeneveld, initiator 'Meet the Professor' Amsterdam

A cycling scientist who comes to talk about research in an approachable way can help break this stereotype is the idea, thus contributing to social equality. 'We hope that primary school children will soon recognise traits of themselves in the scientist and doing research will spark their interest,' Groeneveld continued.

The rectors of UvA and VU (Jeroen Geurts) support this initiative and therefore enthusiastically participate in the festive kick-off. In the context of equal opportunities, it is important that young people can discover whether science is for them and therefore science can belong to everyone, the two emphasise.

Drs. A. (Bart) Groeneveld BA

For questions, please contact Bart Groeneveld