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The UvA will open its buildings again as of Monday, 13 May, so that lectures, research and other work can be resumed. Should you have any questions or concerns, please discuss them with your supervisor first.

It won’t have escaped your attention that there were protests at various places on the UvA’s campuses last week. Due to these protests and their impact, buildings have been closed for four days. We sincerely hope that they can remain open. Education and research must be allowed to take place again. At the same time, it’s essential that we keep talking to each other about feelings of anger and powerlessness as well as about the war in Gaza. 

Over the coming weeks, the Executive Board will talk with various groups within the UvA. Let us all continue to listen, to offer each other freedom to ask questions and be critical, be curious and engage in debate. With respect for everyone's input, background and beliefs and free from intolerance. Demonstrations will also be allowed - but without face coverings, blockades, overnight stays or intimidation.

Frequently asked questions

Visit for more information regarding the demonstrations and the current situation on campus.