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Dr J.B.S. Conijn has been appointed professor by special appointment (bijzonder hoogleraar) of the Housing Market at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Dr J.B.S. Conijn (b. 1950) has been appointed professor by special appointment (bijzonder hoogleraar) of the Housing Market at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). The chair has been endowed by the Foundation Amsterdam School of Real Estate (ASRE) and is facilitated by the Nederlandse Vereniging van Makelaars (NVM, Dutch Society of Real Estate Brokers). It concerns a new chair.

As a professor by special appointment Johan Conijn will be focusing on the economic aspects of the housing market. Conijn has been carrying out research at several research institutes during the past twenty-five years. He did research for, among others, the Parlementaire Enquêtecommissie Bouwsubsidies (Parliamentary Investigative Committee Building Grants) and he has recently drawn up a report for the Tweede Kamer (the Dutch Lower House) on the future of housing corporations.

Conijn obtained his PhD degree in 1995 on his dissertation Enkele financieel-economische aspecten van de volkshuisvesting ('Some financial economic aspects of public housing'). His career began at the Economisch Instituut voor de Bouwnijverheid (Economic Institute for the Building Industry) and he subsequently was director of the research institute OTB of the Delft University of Technology. He became an associate of RIGO Research & Advies (RIGO Research & Consultancy) in 2000. Conijn has been director of the Centraal Fonds voor de Volkshuisvesting (Central Fund for Public Housing) since 2005 and will be combining his professorship with this job.