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Would you like to connect with your fellow international students and play an important role representing the University of Amsterdam? Join the International Student Ambassador programme.

Contribute your talents, enhance your skills

Together with the other international student ambassadors, you can get involved in a variety of opportunities throughout the year. For example, you might help advise prospective students, share information about studying in Amsterdam in webinars, and share information at our (virtual) open days.

Why become an ambassador?

Share your student experiences, your journey, become part of a dynamic team, a community and enhance your experience.

What is expected of you? 

  • Assist prospective international students by answering questions on our chat platform;
  • Create content (blogs, vlogs and Insta stories) for our social media channels to share insight on what student life is like at the UvA;
  • Participate in live Q&A sessions, webinars and (virtual) educational fairs;
  • Provide campus tours to prospective students and school counselors (once permitted again);
  • Help us gain insight from your perspective;
  • Approximately 2-3 hours per week.

In exchange, you will receive training to help develop or enhance your networking and professional skills. Ambassadors join the team for a period of one academic year, starting in October and concluding the following summer. In some cases it's also possible to extend the role for another year.

Submissions for 2024 are closed

The deadline to apply for becoming an ambassador has passed. Keep an eye on this page next summer 2025 for new opportunities.