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We are pleased to offer you a dedicated webinar to help you with your arrival as an international student in the Netherlands.

Attend Upon arrival webinars

We'll bring you up to speed with the latest on your municipality registration, student card, residence permit, and health insurance. You'll also have the opportunity to chat with staff and ask your questions.

Upcoming webinars

Watch earlier recorded Upon arrival webinars

Wednesday, 16 August 2023 - For all UvA students with an EU nationality:

Upon arrival webinar for all new UvA students with an EU nationality
Watch the video "Upon arrival webinar for all UvA students with an EU nationality" (38:22 mins).

Tuesday, 15 August 2023 - For all UvA students with a non-EU nationality:

Upon arrival webinar for all new UvA students with a non-EU nationality
Watch the video "Upon arrival webinar for all new UvA students with a non-EU nationality" (55:21 mins).