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Dr. I. (Ivana) Bušljeta Banks

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Persuasive Communication

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I am a Senior Lecturer of Persuasive Communication in the Department of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam, attached to the Persuasion and New Media Technologies chair goup.  
    My activities at the Department are mainly focused on course coordination and teaching in the Persuasive Communication track of the Master program. I teach theoretical courses, electives, and methodology courses. I also coordinate the Persuasive Communication Master thesis, as well as supervise several Master and Research Master theses each semester. I am a member of the department’s Programme Committee. My research interests lie in two main research lines – one is centered around the use of AI and social media for marketing and brand communications, while the other focuses on inclusive advertising (mainly the fine lines between representation and exploitation of gender and sexual orientation minorities in advertising, a.k.a rainbow-washing).  

    Expertise and research fields

    • Social media marketing communications
    • Branding & brand communications
    • AI in marketing communications
    • AI in higher education
    • Inclusive advertising (gender and LGBTQi+ issues in advertising)
    • Autneticity, representation, exploitation

    Administrative role 

    • Member of the Programme Committee
  • Research

    Research methods 

    • Experiment
    • Content analysis

    Current research projects

    Trusting the recommender systems
    -    A two-study research project in cooperation with Dr. Zeph van Berlo and Yilan Wang

  • Teaching & PhD supervision

    Master's courses

    • Marketing Communication (specialization seminar) coordinator & teacher
    • Brands and Organizations in Social Media (elective) coordinator & teacher
    • Research Methods Tailored to the Thesis – Experiment teacher
    • Persasive Communication Master Thesis coordinator & supervisor

    Bachelor's courses

    • Effective and Ethical Communication Consultancy co-coordinator & teacher
  • Publications


    • Xintong, H., & Bušljeta Banks, I. (2021). Effects of sponsorship disclosure on brand attitude via resistance strategies under moderation of review valence in online consumer reviews. In A. Vignolles, & M. Waiguny (Eds.), EAA Advances in Advertising Research Series (Vol. XII, pp. 97-106). Springer Gabler.


    • Bušljeta Banks, I., Dens, N., & de Pelsmacker, P. (2016). The influence of gender on the effectiveness of probability markers in advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 35, 682-705.


    • Bušljeta Banks, I., & De Pelsmacker, P. (2014). Involvement, tolerance for ambiguity, and type of service moderate the effectiveness of probability marker usage in service advertising. Journal of Advertising, 43, 196-209.



    • Wang, Y., Bušljeta Banks, I., & van Berlo, Z. M. C. (2024). In thy recommendation we trust: The role of message framing and consumption motivation in building consumers’ trust in the recommender system output . Paper presented at Annual conference of the European Marketing Academy, Bucharest, Romania.
    • Wang, Y., van Berlo, Z. M. C., & Bušljeta Banks, I. (2024). In thy recommendation we trust: The role of message framing and consumption motivation in building consumer trust in the recommender system output. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


    • Wang, Y., van Berlo, Z. M. C., & Bušljeta Banks, I. (2023). The role of message framing and consumption motivation in building consumers'trust in the recommender system output. Poster session presented at Dutch-Belgian workshop on recommender systems, Antwerp, Belgium.


    • di Girolamo, A., & Bušljeta Banks, I. (2022). The effects of inclusive-LGBTQ+ advertising on brand attitudes: A moderated mediation model. Paper presented at ICORIA 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.


    • Xintong, H., & Bušljeta Banks, I. (2021). Effects of sponsorship disclosure on brand attitude via resistance strategies under moderation of review valence in online consumer reviews. Paper presented at ICORIA 2021.


    • Kemeter, K., Bušljeta Banks, I., Hillebrand, B., & van Riel, A. (2018). Exploring challenges and corresponding capabilities for innovation projects with multiple stakeholders in the healthcare industry. Paper presented at AMA Winter Academic Conference, New Orleans, United States.


    • Busljeta Banks, I. (other) (6-2023 - 8-2024). AI in Education Advisor (other).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities