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Dr. I.K. (Iza) Lesna

Postdoctoral Researcher
Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Janssen, A., Fonseca, J. O., Colares, F., Silva, L., Pedrosa, A. R. P., Lima, E. R., van Wijk, M., Pallini, A., Oliveira, C. M., Sabelis, M. W., & Lesna, I. (2014). Time scales of associating food and odor by predator communities in the field. Behavioral Ecology, 25(5), 1123-1130. [details]
    • Lesna, I., da Silva, F. R., Sato, Y., Sabelis, M. W., & Lommen, S. T. E. (2014). Neoseiulus Paspalivorus, a Predator from Coconut, as a Candidate for Controlling Dry Bulb Mites Infesting Stored Tulip Bulbs. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 63(2), 189-204. [details]


    • Lesna, I., Sabelis, M. W., van Niekerk, T. G. C. M., & Komdeur, J. (2012). Laboratory tests for controlling poultry red mites (Dermanyssus gallinae) with predatory mites in small ‘laying hen’ cages. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 58(4), 371-383. [details]
    • Sabelis, M. W., Janssen, A., & Lesna, I. (2012). Perspective: Consequences of trait-mediated indirect interactions for biological control of plant pests. In T. Ohgushi, O. J. Schmitz, & R. D. Holt (Eds.), Trait-mediated indirect interactions: ecological and evolutionary perspectives (pp. 435-449). (Ecological reviews). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Wolfs, P. H. J., Lesna, I. K., Sabelis, M. W., & Komdeur, J. (2012). Trophic structure of arthropods in Starling nests matter to blood parasites and thereby to nestling development. Journal of Ornithology, 153(3), 913-919. [details]



    • Lesna, I., Wolfs, P., Faraji, F., Roy, L., Komdeur, J., & Sabelis, M. W. (2009). Candidate predators for biological control of the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 48(1-2), 63-80. [details]
    • Roy, L., Dowling, A. P. G., Chauve, C. M., Lesna, I., Sabelis, M. W., & Buronfosse, T. (2009). Molecular phylogenetic assessment of host range in five Dermanyssus species. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 48(1-2), 115-142. [details]


    • Sabelis, M. W., van Baalen, M., Bakker, FM., Bruin, J., Drukker, B., Egas, C. J. M., ... Brown, VK. (Ed.) (1998). Evolution of direct and indirect plant defence against herbivorous arthropods. In Herbivores: Between Plants and Predators (pp. 109-166). London: Blackwell.


    • Sabelis, M. W., Janssen, A., Lesna, I., Aratchige, N. S., Nomikou, M., & van Rijn, P. C. J. (2008). Developments in the use of predatory mites for biological pest control. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, 32, 187-199. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
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