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N. (Na) Li MSc

Faculty of Science
Informatics Institute

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 94323
    1090 GH Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Farshidi, S., Liao, X., Li, N., Goldfarb, D., Magagna, B., Stocker, M., Jeffery, K., Thijsse, P., Pichot, C., Petzold, A., & Zhao, Z. (2023). Knowledge sharing and discovery across heterogeneous research infrastructures. Open Research Europe, 1, Article 68. [details]
    • Li, N., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, Z. (2023). A Dense Retrieval System and Evaluation Dataset for Scientific Computational Notebooks. In 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Science: (e-Science) : October 9-14, 2023, Limassol, Cyprus : proceedings (pp. 179-188). Article 19 IEEE. [details]
    • Li, N., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, Z. (2023). CNSVRE: A Query Reformulated Search System with Explainable Summarization for Virtual Research Environment. In The ACM Web Conference 2023: Companion of the World Wide Web Conference WWW 2023 : April 30-May 4, 2023, Austin, Texas, USA (pp. 254-257). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Li, N., Farshidi, S., Bianchi, R., Koulouzis, S., & Zhao, Z. (2022). Context-Aware Notebook Search in a Jupyter-Based Virtual Research Environment. In eScience '22 : Democratizing science : 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Science: proceedings : eScience 2022 : Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 10-14 October 202 (pp. 393-394). Conference Publishing Services, IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Wang, Y., Koulouzis, S., Bianchi, R., Li, N., Shi, Y., Timmermans, J., Kissling, W. D., & Zhao, Z. (2022). Scaling Notebooks as Re-configurable Cloud Workflows. Data Intelligence, 4(2), 409-425. [details]
    • Zhao, Z., Koulouzis, S., Bianchi, R., Farshidi, S., Shi, Z., Xin, R., Wang, Y., Li, N., Shi, Y., Timmermans, J., & Kissling, W. D. (2022). Notebook-as-a-VRE (NaaVRE): From private notebooks to a collaborative cloud virtual research environment. Software - Practice and Experience, 52(9), 1947-1966. [details]


    • Poon, L., Farshidi, S., Li, N., & Zhao, Z. (2021). Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Data Quality Control. In Y. Chen, H. Ludwig, Y. Tu, U. Fayyad, X. Zhu, X. Hu, S. Byna, X. Liu, J. Zhang, S. Pan, V. Papalexakis, J. Wang, A. Cuzzocrea, & C. Ordonez (Eds.), 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data: proceedings : Dec 15-Dec 18, 2021 : virtual event (pp. 2327-2336). IEEE. [details]


    • Li, N., Qi, Y., Xin, R., & Zhao, Z. (2023). Ocean Data Quality Assessment through Outlier Detection-enhanced Active Learning. In J. He, T. Palpanas, X. Hu, A. Cuzzocrea, D. Dou, D. Slezak, W. Wang, A. Gruca, JC.-W. Lin, & R. Agrawal (Eds.), 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData) (pp. 102-107). IEEE. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
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