Louise Verboeket is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Public Law (section Constitutional and Administrative Law) at the University of Amsterdam. She conducts PhD research on public funding by way of prize-backed competitions at the national and European level. Her research is supervised by Professor Jacobine van den Brink (University of Amsterdam) and Professor Willemien den Ouden (Leiden University). She coordinates and/or teaches multiple courses, including the bachelor’s courses Administrative Law and Digitalisation, and the master’s courses Public Funding and Public Interests and Private Law.
Louise studied law at Leiden University. In 2017 she graduated cum laude with an LL.M. in Constitutional and Administrative Law. Her thesis, titled The Public Prize: A Study of the Allocation of Public Funds by way of Competitions, was awarded the Faculty's Jongbloed Thesis Prize and the Leiden University Thesis Prize. In 2015 she spent a semester at the University of Connecticut School of Law in Hartford (CT, USA). From 2017 to 2020 Louise worked at the Department of Public Law at Maastricht University, where she taught, inter alia, the bachelor’s course Comparative Administrative Law. In 2021 she worked at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden Law School, where she taught the master’s course Europeanisation of Administrative Law.
Louise publishes work on public procurement law, financial administrative law, and digitalisation. She also teaches seminars for legal practitioners and contributes to the project Financieren in Netwerken. Louise has been a speaker at various national and international conferences and is a member of the Appeals Committee of NWO/ZonMw and the board of the Dutch Association of Administrative Law (VAR).