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The Communication Science Schools aim to attract the world’s brightest students to its international classrooms. Outstanding students from outside the European Economic Area (non-EEA) can apply for an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship (AMS).

The AMS is a scholarship that covers (a part of) the tuition fee for the studies. The budget of the AMS scholarship for the following academic year is determined by the central UvA office each year in October. The number of scholarships for Communication Science students is determined on the basis of the available budget and shared on this website.

The scholarship information for the academic year 2025-2026 still needs to be updated. The information below does not apply to 2025-2026.


  • General information

    You have to apply via Studielink for the academic year 2024-2025 in the application period from 1 October 2023 to 15 January 2024. Only if you have a non-EEA nationality, you are eligible to apply for the AMS scholarship.

  • The scholarship

    The scholarship consists of an amount equal to the tuition fee. Please note that the scholarship cannot be used as a (partial) tuition waiver. The applicant must still pay the full amount of tuition due, and can do this in instalments. Scholarship holders will also receive their grant in monthly instalments.

    A scholarship granted for one academic year cannot be transferred to another academic year. Students who are granted an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship are required to assent to the conditions applying to the scholarship in writing before the scholarship will be remitted.

  • General criteria

    In order to be considered for the AMS scholarship you should:

    • hold non-EEA nationality or nationalities;
    • not be entitled to receive a Dutch study grant or loan (“Studiefinanciering”), for more information visit the DUO website. The scholarship office should be notified as soon as possible in case of any change in nationality, type of residence permit, and/or possible loan support, throughout the academic year;
    • have submitted a complete application to the Bachelor’s programme in Communication Science;
    • be able to comply with Dutch visa regulations. For more information, see the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation (IND) website;
    • be enrolled at the UvA as a full-time student for the academic year and the programme for which the scholarship is awarded;
    • have never before studied at an educational institution in the Netherlands;
    • not receive a full coverage scholarship for the same period of study as the AMS scholarship;
    • belong to the top 10% of your class;
    • be a motivated student with extracurricular activities;
    • have outstanding English language skills. Requirements regarding English language proficiency are equal to the entry requirements for the Bachelor's programme.
  • Application deadline

    Submit your application for the Bachelor's in Communication Science before 15 January in order to receive our questionnaire. 

  • Application instructions

    The selection procedure will strongly focus on academic performance and consists of five steps:

    1. Apply to the Bachelor's programme before 15 January.

    2. Fill out the questionnaire. 

    You will receive a questionnaire late March or early April if you have a non-EEA nationality, have applied to the Bachelor’s programme per September 2024. In this questionnaire, you will be asked whether you are eligible and want to apply for the AMS scholarship. You will also be requested to write a brief explanation to support your candidacy.

    3. Review and first selection. 

    After receiving the filled-in questionnaires, our AMS committee will review the applications of the students who meet the above-mentioned eligibility criteria. In your application, the committee will look at:

    • your motivation
    • your GPA
    • your extracurricular activities (cv)
    • your English proficiency 

    4. Invitation for AMS application

    Based on these documents our committee will select the eight most outstanding candidates. These students are invited to submit a complete AMS application file. The complete application file consists of:

    • Application form AMS (will be sent to the top 8 candidates only).
    • Proof of belonging to the top 10% of your class (a statement that indicates your ranking). This statement is only accepted if it is signed by the examinations board or dean.
    • Certified grade transcript (including a GPA).
    • Motivation letter, in which you explain the reasons for choosing the specific programme, the reasons for applying for the scholarship, and why you consider yourself as outstanding.
    • Curriculum Vitae, including description of extracurricular activities; such as participation in student committees, international experience, sports or music at a high level, volunteer work, etc.
    • English proficiency test.

    5. Selection

    After receiving the complete application packages from the eight invited candidates, our selection committee will select the AMS recipient. The selection is only amongst applicants from the Communication Science programme. All top eight candidates will receive an email about the outcome in May.

  • Questions

    If you have any questions regarding the AMS please send an email to