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Graduates of the Master's programme Chemistry typically pursue careers:

  • as PhD students at chemistry institutes around the world, progressing from there to careers in academia or industry
  • in research, within industry (e.g. Philips, ASML, Shell and DSM)
  • in research, within research institutes (e.g. TNO, KNMI and SRON)
  • as teachers, within high schools or universities
  • as (technical) policy officers, within (science-oriented) governmental and non-profit organisations
  • in business (e.g. ICT companies, energy companies, investment banks, consultancy firms)
  • as writers, for (science-oriented) media
  • as entrepreneurs

Alumnus views

Read where this former student of Analytical Sciences ended up working after finishing the Master's programme:

Copyright: FNWI
Try different jobs, experiment with career options, challenge yourself, see what works for you. Eventually, you will find the career path that fits you best. Ioanna Voulgari, alumna Analytical Sciences  Read about the career of alumnus Ioanna

Joint degree programme with VU Amsterdam

Analytical Sciences is a track in the Master's programme Chemistry, a joint degree programme of the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Courses are taught at locations of both universities. UvA and VU jointly issue a degree certificate to graduates. As a Chemistry student in Amsterdam you benefit from expertise, networks and research projects at both universities and affiliated research institutes.

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