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Joshua Jackson stayed in Amsterdam after he finished the Master's program Public International Law and completed a 6-month internship in the legal unit of Greenpeace International. He talks about his experiences and plans.
Joshua Jackson, graduate PIL

‘Studying Public International Law at UvA helped to develop my knowledge of international law and my ability to think critically. I wasn’t just taught what the law is, but encouraged to think about what’s wrong with it, how it should be, and how we can change it. UvA also gave me the opportunity to gain experience working on strategic litigation with NGOs in the Amsterdam International Law Clinic and through an internship.’

After graduation

‘After I completed my studies I stayed in Amsterdam and completed a full-time 6-month internship in the legal unit of Greenpeace International, using the knowledge acquired at UvA to undertake climate litigation and other cutting-edge legal initiatives. I now work part-time as a project manager for an NGO called Action4Justice which seeks to improve access to justice globally.’

What’s next?

‘Later this year I will return to the UK, where I have been accepted to become a trainee barrister with Cloisters (a barristers’ chambers in London, Red). I plan to specialise in public, human rights and environmental law. After finishing my qualifications and building experience in the UK, I hope to work internationally in the future. And who knows, I may even return to Amsterdam.’