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Mathematics has always been intimately connected with other disciplines, among which Econometrics. Unique at UvA is the challenging double Master’s degree programme that enables you to obtain the degrees in both Mathematics and Econometrics. This possibility is offered by is offered by the Amsterdam School of Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Graduate School of Science the Faculty of Science to any student that has been admitted to both the programmes separately: formally, student participates in two Master programmes. You therefore enrol in the two-year Master Mathematics and the one-year Master Econometrics, and by following only 150 EC of selected courses it is possible to obtain both the Master's degrees in approximately two and a half years.

In this double degree programme  you will follow the essential courses from both programmes. However you only conduct one interdisciplinary Master's project with supervisors from both disciplines, resulting in one integrated Master's thesis. You can follow the double degree programme after you have been admitted to both programmes separately'.


As part of the Econometrics Master’s programme you can choose one of the four tracks:

  • Complexity and Economic Behaviour 
  •  Data Science and Business Analytics 
  •  Financial Econometrics 
  •  Econometrics 

If you choose the Financial Econometrics track the course load will be:

  • 40 EC Econometrics courses
  • 74 EC Mathematics courses
  • 36 EC integrated Master’s project Econometrics and Mathematics

If you choose the other Econometrics tracks, the course load will be:

  • 45 EC Econometrics courses
  • 69 EC Mathematics courses
  • 36 EC integrated Master’s project Econometrics and Mathematics

Master's thesis

You will conclude your Master's programme with an integrated research project (36 EC). Your progress will be supervised by staff members from both study programmes. The project culminates in your Master's thesis and an oral presentation of your results during a public colloquium.

Upon completion of the double degree programme you receive the Master's degree in Mathematics and the Master's degree in Econometrics

Entry requirements

The double degree programme can only be followed by students that have been admitted by both the programmes Mathematics and Econometrics separately. Please see the entry requirements of these programmes.


Please apply for the Master's programmes in Mathematics and in Econometrics separately. Once admitted to both, you can follow the double degree programme.