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Paying the tuition fee is an important step in completing your enrollment. Other costs to keep in mind when planning your university budget include housing, living expenses, and learning materials such as books, stationary and a laptop.

Tuition fee

The tuition fee you are required to pay depends on your nationality. You can check our tuition fee overview or use the tuition fee calculator to see what the fee will be for you. Please note: the calculator does not work in Safari.

Other study costs

In addition to your tuition fees, you will need to include a number of other study costs in your budget, such as books, stationary, excursions, a laptop or other equipment. These costs vary per programme but academic books and study materials will usually cost you between €50-100 per month.

Living costs

Keep in mind that living in Amsterdam also includes costs such as accommodation, food and public transport.


The University of Amsterdam offers a scholarship for exceptionally talented students from outside Europe. For more information about this scholarship, follow the link below. Please note, that only few scholarships are available for a large number of applicants.

Amsterdam Merit Scholarship (AMS)

For: Outstanding students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
Amount: A portion of the tuition fee; exact amount not yet known
Deadline: 15 January 2023

Read more about AMS requirements and application

Other financial aid

Other scholarships, grants or loans may be available to students from particular countries. To see more information about external scholarships, please check the links below or consult the study abroad office in your country of residence.