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You will explore how nature builds strong and lightweight materials, forms networks, heals itself and senses its surroundings and then translate these insights into technologically advanced prototypes. In this minor, you can try, for example, to replicate the flying or swimming motion of a bird or jellyfish, simulate the directional language perception of the human ear by creating a microphone array to artificially process soundwaves, create a new self-healing material, or develop a self-learning network that mimics the biochemical networks in a living cell or brain. 

Minor Biomimicry explained
What does this minor entail?

Get a quick impression of the minor Science, Technology & Innovation: Biomimicry. Coordinator Pim Linnebank explains what you will learn in this minor. 

One semester-long project

The minor consists of one fulltime semester-long 30 EC course. You will start with seminars, lectures and tutorials that introduce you to the theoretical basics of biomimicry, the tools for applying these insights to technology, and the ways in which we can combine our knowledge of nature with practical problem-solving skills. In parallel, you will receive prototyping workshops (soldering, 3D-printing, programming microcontrollers, and so on) to make your envisioned solutions a reality.


Alongside technical training, workshops focusing on soft skills like project management, interviewing techniques, and effective teamwork are integral to successfully complete a team based effort. Once you’ve gathered the basic skills and knowledge, you will put it all into practice during your team-based project, and build a bio-inspired robot in the UvA Makerspace. In here, you will have access to advanced tools and equipment to work on your prototype throughout the programme. 

Student perspective

Get an impression from the perspective of students. Why did they choose the minor Science, Technology & Innovation: Biomimicry?

Application and admission

This fulltime 30 EC minor is open for students from all natural sciences disciplines, but particularly interesting for students of Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Information Sciences, Informatics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology, and Bèta-Gamma. International students are welcome as well. 

If you wish to apply, please send an email including your transcript of records from your prior and current academic programme(s) to  before 1 July at the very latest. Please note that without these documents, we cannot take your application into consideration. If we receive more applications than there are places available, you can be put on a waiting list. Places are granted on a first come, first served basis. 

Important to know in advance

  • For questions concerning the content of this minor, please consult the coordinator at

  • Please note that this is an intense fulltime programme with a filled timetable. It is not recommended to follow other courses while doing this minor.

Facts & Figures
30 ECTS, 1 semester
Language of instruction