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In this course, we take a curiosity-driven approach to understanding conspiracy theories. How do we define and delineate them? What is their rhetorical and emotional appeal? And what are their real-life repercussions? We explore to what extent current conspiracy cultures are historically unique and investigate the complex interdependencies between their social, psychological, and political dimensions. Which individuals and groups are susceptible to conspiracy thinking and how is their suspicion co-opted for (populist) politics in different national contexts?

We also look at cultural and technological mediation, as conspiracy theories now typically come to us through social media. Does online communication amplify and accelerate (global) conspiracy thinking, or does it merely render the conspiratorial worldview more visible? Can we distinguish new, tech-enabled variations from its offline predecessors?

Discussing these and other questions with experts from various fields, we explore new, interdisciplinary understandings of conspiracy theories and ways to respond to them.


Dr. B. Noordenbos
Dr. J. Harambam


You can find the timetable on Datanose

Entry requirements

This course is open to second-year and third-year UvA Bachelor's students and Master’s students (when available).


UvA Bachelor's students can register from 4 to 11 December 2023 in the GLASS registration rounds. Master’s students can send a short motivation to

‘Bijvak’ students can register until two weeks prior to the start of the course, by completing the online registration form

If you have any trouble while registering, please contact us at


Prices can be found on the IIS website.

SDGs in education

The IIS strives to reflect current societal issues and challenges in our elective courses, honours modules and degree programmes and attempts to integrate the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in this course. For more information about these goals, please visit the SDGs website.

Facts & Figures
Language of instruction
Conditions for admission
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