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Henkjan teaches the course 'How Music Works: Music Cognition'. This course aims to identify the cognitive, biological and mechanistic underpinnings for music cognition as key ingredients of musicality, to assess to what extent these are unique to humans, and by doing so providing insight into their potential biological origins.

This course has the aspiration to lay a new, interdisciplinary and comparative foundation for the study of musicality. In addition, this course will discuss recent developments in the research field of music cognition.

What is your own research about?

Henkjan Honing’s researches the broad field of music cognition. Examples of research topics: how does our brains process musical input, do animals have a sense of rhythm, is there are cultural differences between people? Currently, he is running a project called ‘Hooked on Music’, which helps identify where the hook of the song is located and what part of the song is most readily recognizable. This data is used for calculating the relation between the structure of the music and its recognisability. 

Henkjan Honing’s book “The Origins of Musicality” was published in April 2018. Click here for more information.

What do you think about the Master's programme in Brain and Cognitive Sciences and its students?

'The curriculum of the Brain and Cognitive Sciences Master's programme is challenging to both students and instructors. The courses are well-designed, well-taught and closely monitored by the educational coordination committee. The design of most courses actually reminds me of an honours programme, both in terms of the effort and energy students are asked to put in to the courses, as well as in terms of the quality and state-of-the-art topics presented in the courses.'

'I enjoyed teaching an elective course in music cognition last year enormously. The students were active, enthusiastic, and very productive. The excellent contribution of the students encouraged me to perform to the best of my ability as well. I loved it.'