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Ballet dancer and choreographer Hans van Manen talks about his art, the dance landscape in the Netherlands, dance heritage and the future of ballet and dance.
Event details of For a coffee with Hans van Manen...
20 March 2024
17:00 -18:30
Organised by
Gabriele Klein

The discussion will be moderated by students of the seminar 'Reconstruction, Deconstruction, Reenactment - How a cultural memory is created for an ephemeral art' by Prof Gabriele Klein.

This event is part of a series organized by the University of Amsterdam and National Opera and Ballet. The other two lectures will take place on February 23 and March 13.

Ballet is woman?!? Gender construction in contemporary ballet and dance (February 23)

How to choreograph? Choreographic working methods in contemporary dance and ballet (March 13)




Room Theaterzaal
Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16-18
1012 CP Amsterdam