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It has been announced that Jeroen de Kloet and Gerard Wiegers, both of whom are researchers at the Faculty of Humanities (FGw), will be involved in two of the 18 research projects to be funded as part of the European HERA Joint Research Programme: ‘Cultural Encounters’.

HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area)

Created by 19 national research funding organisations from 18 European countries, the HERA programme ‘Cultural Encounters’ will receive financial backing from the European Union. A total of € 18.5 million have been allocated to the programme. Each of the programme’s different projects will involve researchers from three or more countries. 

Projects FGw researchers

Creating The 'New' Asian Woman: Entanglements Of Urban Space, Cultural Encounters And Gendered Identities In Shanghai And Delhi (ASIAN WOMAN)

Prof. J. (Jeroen) de Kloet

Prof. dr. ir. B.J. (Jeroen) de Kloet

Personal homepage Jeroen de Kloet

Encounters with Orient in Early Modern Scholarship (EOS)

Prof. G. (Gerard) Wiegers 

Prof. dr. G.A. (Gerard) Wiegers

Personal homepage Gerard Wiegers

For more information, refer to the website of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (link below).