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Andra Danila and Santje Pander, two students from the UvA programme Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, have restored a seventeenth-century globe that had been declared a 'total loss' by experts. A time-lapse video created by them shows the restoration process.
Celestial Globe

The restored object is a celestial globe that was manufactured around 1700 in the workshop of publishers Gerard and Leonard Valk from Amsterdam. The globe is one of a pair, which is owned by Keppel Castle. Because both globes were in a very bad condition, their owner, Baron Willem van Lynden, has allowed the University of Amsterdam to have the objects on loan for an extended period of time. The other globe, a terrestrial globe, is also being restored but its restoration has not been completed yet.

Celestial Globe before restoration
The globe prior to its restoration

The video shows the various steps of the treatment, such as the cleaning and reparation of the tears on the globe, the application of new filling, and the reattachment of fragments that were coming off. 

The assignment is part of the post-Master's degree programme Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. Through this post initial track, students who have completed the eponymous two-year Master's programme at the UvA can complete their training to become conservators. This programme is the only Dutch programme in which students are trained to become conservators that complies with the international standard that is required for conservators according to the European Network for Conservation and Restoration Education (ENCoRE).