29 November 2019
In the immersive and interactive Virtual Reality experience, users will experience diving into the ocean, see the beauty of it but also the pollution. They can learn about different types of plastics and what they can actually do themselves in their daily lives to reduce this pollution.
Although we know about the plastic pollution of oceans, it might feel as a distant problem on which you have little effect. “We believe that VR is a technology that can increase empathy by reducing the psychological distance to the problem. We think that learning about plastic pollution in an immersive environment can be very effective”, tells Sungur.
The project is funded in the NWO ‘The Creative Industry – KIEM’ programme. This programme finances short-term fundamental and industrial research and collaborations between private, public and knowledge institutions. Sungur will be working with:
The project will run from January 2020 to January 2021.