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Professor Joyeeta Gupta wins the prize for her world leading contribution to solution focused climate research. The award is bestowed annually in the name of Piers Sellers, the former astronaut, climate scientist and Leeds alumnus, by the Priestley International Centre for Climate at the University of Leeds.
Joyeeta Gupta
'A prize such as this one shows that my arguments are moving from the margins to the mainstream' - Joyeeta Gupta (Faculty Sustainability Professor; and Professor of environment and development in the global south at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research of the University of Amsterdam and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education)

The Piers Sellers Prize recognises Professor Gupta as a world leader in interdisciplinary climate research. 'Her many publications and extensive engagement in global climate and environmental commissions and assessments demonstrate her commitment to delivering robust and impactful climate solutions', states the press release of the University of Leeds.  'Her work focuses on the need to phase out fossil fuels in an equitable manner. In particular, she is developing tools to help different stakeholders move towards a climate-resilient and inclusive future. ' 

On learning of her win, Professor Gupta said: 'I am deeply honoured; as a social science and legal scholar, I engage in analysing wicked, unstructured problems and in showcasing intractable problems and possible equitable solutions; however, a prize such as this one shows that my arguments are moving from the margins to the mainstream.'

Prize giving event and keynote lecture

A prize giving event on Thursday 7 July will feature a keynote lecture from Professor Gupta on Climate Change, Fossil Fuels and Justice. The lecture will focus on the multi-dimensional North/South, rich/poor aspects of justice in relation to the challenge of leaving fossil fuels underground. 

Prof. dr. J. (Joyeeta) Gupta

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

GPIO : Governance and Inclusive Development