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On Tuesday, March 28th, the kick-off was held in the Aula of the OCW project “A smarter academic year”, a new national project initiated by the Dutch Minister of Education, Robert Dijkgraaf. A total of 10 million euros has been allocated for the pilots of this project. The University of Amsterdam is participating with three pilots.

Erwin van Vliet (Faculty of Science), leads the pilot “Experiment automatisering van toetsing” aimed at using AI for formative and summative assessment. He works together with TLC Science (Sandra Cornelisse, Emma Wiersma and Natasa Brouwer) and the lecturers of the College of Life Sciences (Bachelor Psychobiology, Jessika Buitenweg and Julia Dawitz). The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences is also participating in this pilot (Bachelor Psychology, Peter Starreveld) and the UvA DLO board (Frank Benneker). More team members can join during the pilot.

Radio 1 interview

In an interview on Radio 1 with journalist Roel Pauw of NOS News, Van Vliet talked about how AI is being used for personalized feedback to students at the Faculty of Science through the use of the AI application IguideME, developed at the Faculty of Science, to motivate and support students in learning. Student Psychobiology Jazz Stofberg shared his personal experience with IguideME and how it helped him with his study in the same interview.

The smarter academic year project aims to bring more tranquility and space for students and lecturers flexible. The project team is excited about the possibilities that this project will create for new developments in the use of AI in education. With this project, the team will make a significant contribution to the successful implementation of AI for feedback and assessment in higher education.