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In 2022-2023 a new compulsory course was introduced in the second year of the BSc Mathematics: Education and Communication (6EC). This course focuses on science communication and secondary education, with the aim of strengthening the link with secondary education. The course is organised in collaboration with the teacher trainers of the Interfaculty Teaching Programme (ILO).
Project of Koen van Baar, Wiebe Hoving, en Hamza Yusuf

In the academic year 2022-2023, as many as 44 students participated in this innovative course. About half the groups also had to try out a teaching activity in a school. The results were inspiring and varied.

Some students devoted themselves to developing creative mathematics lessons, such as an origami lesson that used folding constructions to clarify the understanding of ratios. Others designed modules on using ICT with large data sets for Statistics. And there are groups that have created textbooks for upper-level Mathematics D on Euler's formula and Descartes' theorem, or developed a module for upper-level students on programming with PYTHON.

In addition, groups have created a mathematics lesson on smart use of ChatGPT by students in secondary education, written an exam preparation on combinatorics for students in their final year of vwo, and developed accompanying material to an article from the maths magazine Pythagoras.

Outside the classroom

Not limited to the classroom, some groups devised activities that could also be used outside school walls. For example, one group organised a scavenger hunt on the Science Park for visually impaired students, while another created an animation to explain Burnside's Lemma in an accessible way.

Other notable projects include a presentation for the travelling mathematics exhibition IMAGINARY, which highlights the work of mathematician Maryna Viazovska (2022 Field Medal winner). In addition, a group of students designed infographics to clarify the 'prosecutor's fallacy' to judges, while another group explained the mathematical theory behind Lie groups, through the conceptual music pieces of pianist Petra Cini.

Detailed information about the teaching material can be found in the link below (in Dutch). All material may be freely reused for education-related activities, provided the students who contributed to it are mentioned.