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Did you know that UvA Economics and Business has 2 mentors for PhDs and tenure trackers? The mentor at the Amsterdam Business School is Corine Boon, and Jan Kiviet is the mentor at the Amsterdam School of Economics. Doctoral candidates and tenure trackers can approach them if they have issues that they might difficult to discuss with their supervisor. Corine Boon tells us more about her role as mentor.

Corine Boon is an associate professor with the Amsterdam Business School’s Leadership & Management section. She joined the ABS in 2009 when she started as an assistant professor in a tenure track.

How did you end up in this role?

Marc Salomon asked me in early 2019 if I would like to be a mentor at the ABS. This was a new role at the time. I was immediately enthusiastic about the plan that was in place and the fact that there would be mentors at ABS. I was really happy to be asked to take on this role!

Why did you want to be a mentor?

There are a lot of big or small issues you might run into as a PhD student or tenure tracker. You can talk to your colleagues or your supervisor, but sometimes it’s nice to speak with someone who is not directly involved in your situation. In cases like that, I feel it’s important that someone is available to listen to you and help you.
People often feel (and this is something I’ve also experienced!) that they have to resolve everything on their own, even when this isn’t necessary. I’ve experienced how good and useful it can be to be able to approach someone to talk about what you’re going through, to spar with them or ask for advice. That’s why I’m now trying to do the same for others. I have experience as a mentor in the UvA-wide mentoring programme and at the Academy of Management. I’m really pleased that I have the opportunity to contribute as a mentor at the ABS.

What kind of matters can PhDs and tenure trackers discuss with you?

There are all kinds of major and minor issues, and these involve broader themes or more specific problems you might encounter during your PhD or tenure track. Some examples are work pressure, career planning, work relations with your PhD supervisor, colleague or manager, work-life balance, or getting better acquainted with unwritten rules and expectations at ABS. PhDs and tenure trackers can also come to me if they're experiencing difficulties in their work relationships. These are themes that are common to all academic staff so you’re not the only one facing these issues. All meetings are confidential so you can speak your mind. If needed, I can also help you with any follow-up steps, but this is always something we’ll discuss first.

Feel free to talk to me anytime! I can be reached at