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Quantitative Economics lecturers Thomas Weelinck and Daniël Roelfsema were named the joint winners of the Van der Schroeff Award. This is the award for best lecturer(s) of 2022. The ABS Dissertation Award for the best thesis was presented to ABS doctoral candidate Khadija van der Straaten. The award ceremony took place during the UvA EB New Year’s Event on 19 January.

Van der Schroeff Award

Winners Weelinck and Roelfsma developed an online Maths tool to help students who have different mathematical skill levels. Their students are highly satisfied and praise the lecturers for their passion for teaching and the support they provide to students. The students also said that the pair make the Mathematics course more lively and interesting.

ABS Dissertation Award

Khadija van der Straaten’s winning dissertation Inequality of opportunities in multinational enterprises explores the positive or negative impact of multinationals in host countries. Her PhD supervisors were Prof. Ans Kolk and Dr Niccolò Pisani. According to the jury, 'the research presented in the thesis has strong a scientific and societal impact. This reflects the focus of ABS research. The findings have also received widespread media exposure and led to articles in a top international business publication'. The award was presented to Van der Straaten by Prof. Deanne den Hartog, director of the ABS Research Institute.