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Digital Citizenship is a new interfaculty programme within the UvA. The kick-off took place on 14 February with a festive meet and greet event. Besides students, the event was attended by the researchers and mentors of the programme, the steering committee and the deans of the faculties involved.

Through the SSH - Sector Plan, €1,800,000 (total 14 FTE) has been made available to stimulate cross-cutting research and education around Education, Citizenship and Democracy in a Digital World. This includes issues around the development of digital citizenship, downsides of the platform society, such as disinformation bias polarisation and exclusion, the digital divide and digital equality.

Interfaculty cooperation

'This programme is the result of interfaculty cooperation between FMG, FEB, FDR and FGW. We are proud of this collaboration and the interdisciplinary team getting started is brimming with energy', says Guda van Noort, professor of Persuasion & New Media Technologies and chair of the steering committee.

Steering committee

The Digital Citizenship steering committee consists of: Prof Guda van Noort (FMG, chair), Prof Huub Dijstelbloem (FGw), Prof Peter van Baalen (EB), Dr Tamar de Waal (FdR).