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The General track of the Executive MSc in International Finance offers cutting-edge developments in corporate finance, asset management and banking. The courses combine business relevance with academic excellence. You get to attend guest lectures from leading finance academics, policymakers and global figures. You choose two mandatory electives and up to 2 additional courses during your studies. You get your degree in 1 or 2 years, depending on your choice for a full-time or part-time programme.

Curriculum of general track:

The programme consists of:

  • 9 regular core courses plus 2 mandatory electives (44 EC; 4 EC per course)
  • Up to 2 extracurricular electives
  • Corporate governance: dilemmas in the financial industry (1 EC)
  • International study trip (2 EC)
  • MIF Leadership Programme
  • Finance research workshops (3 EC)
  • Master thesis (15 EC)

In the General track curriculum* you take courses around 5 different themes and write a thesis:

*The curriculum is subject to change.

Looking for more information about the courses?

One of 2 tracks

The General track is one of 2 tracks in our Executive MSc in International Finance. If you are more interested in the role of technology in finance, check out our Finance and Technology track.


Do you have any questions about the Executive MSc in International Finance? Please contact:

M.E. (Madeleine) Wolters

Recruitment Manager