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3 May 2024, 16-18hrs, University Theatre, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16, 1012 CP Amsterdam  Israel/Palestine teach-in with: Huda Odeh (Palestinian cultural activist and professional): A short history of Palestinian performing arts | Jacky Lubeck and Jan Willems (Theatre Day Productions Gaza): Playing Resistance: children's theatre in Gaza  | Alaa Shehada (Palestine Comedy Club): The Horse of Jenin (preview) | Musician: NN | Moderators: Nan van Houte and Sruti Bala
Event details of Palestinian Performing Arts and Cultural Resistance
3 May 2024
16:00 -18:00

This teach-in focuses on the role of theatre and the work of theatre makers in Palestine, for whom art has always necessarily been tied to questions of cultural resistance. The event brings together artists and cultural workers based in the Netherlands with a long-time involvement in the Palestinian theatre field. What are their artistic strategies and visions? What are the concrete day-to-day challenges of performing artists living and working under military occupation? How do they counter common misconceptions and prejudices toward Palestinian cultural resistance?

Huda Odeh (Palestinian cultural activist and professional): A short history of Palestinian performing arts 

Jacky Lubeck and Jan Willems (Theatre Day Productions Gaza): Playing Resistance: children's theatre in Gaza 

Alaa Shehada (Palestine Comedy Club): The Horse of Jenin (preview)

Musician: NN

moderators: Nan van Houte and Sruti Bala