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Empirical legal sociologists Nienke Doornbos and Romy Hanoeman from the University of Amsterdam have published the results regarding their research on the experiential pilot of the community court in Eindhoven. The research report provides key insights about the functioning of the pilot of the community court as well as an evaluation of the court in the light of general principles of law.
Street in a community

The community court Eindhoven focuses on minor offences committed by people with problems on multiple life areas. One of the goals of the court is to find a sustainable solution for the underlying problems that are the cause of the criminal offences of defendants and for the concerning neighborhoods. One of  the main findings is that the cooperation between judicial partners and organizations in the social domain runs smoothly, so that processes to solve problems on several life areas of delinquents can be started faster and more successfully. All professional parties mention the multidisciplinary collaboration, which takes place under the direction of a judge, as an added value of the community court.

Reducing nuisance and crime in the neighborhood, one of the other original objectives of the community court, has however proved less successful. One of the reasons is that this objective does not fit well with the target group: confessing suspects of minor offenses.

These and more key findings of the research can be found in the extensive research report (in Dutch).