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As of 1 January 2021, UvA lecturer Toon Abcouwer has been elected President-Elect of the Special Interest Group Education of the AIS (Association for Information Systems). This year he is also Conference Chair of the AIS- International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research. This conference is part of the ICIS conference that will be held in Austin, Texas in December (if Corona allows it).

The International Conference on Information Education Research is a conference that has two goals. The focus is on developments in IS/IT education, as well as on the role of IT in education (in general). The SIGEd is also actively involved in the development of the new standard IS and IT curricula. 

Since last year, the Board of the SigEd has chosen to complement the regular conference with a theme-based approach. In 2020, this was of course COVID-19. The Call for Papers for the 2021 conference in Texas, with an indication of the upcoming theme for the conference, will be available soon.

Toon Abcouwer
Toon Abcouwer