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In a paper published earlier this month in the Journal of Separation Science, HIMS PhD student Mimi den Uijl and coworkers provide an overview of recent applications of retention modelling in liquid chromatography. Mimi produced a video pitch of the paper for the SCM-X 2021 conference that was originally scheduled to take place in Amsterdam this week.


Recent applications of retention modelling in liquid chromatography (2015–2020) are comprehensively reviewed. The fundamentals of the field, which date back much longer, are summarized. Retention modelling is used in retention‐mechanism studies, for determining physical parameters, such as lipophilicity, and for various more‐practical purposes, including method development and optimization, method transfer, and stationary‐phase characterization and comparison. The review focusses on the effects of mobile‐phase composition on retention, but other variables and novel models to describe their effects are also considered. The five most‐common models are addressed in detail, i.e. the log‐linear (linear‐solvent‐strength) model, the quadratic model, the log-log (adsorption) model, the mixed‐mode model, and the Neue–Kuss model. Isocratic and gradient‐elution methods are considered for determining model parameters and the evaluation and validation of fitted models is discussed. Strategies in which retention models are applied for developing and optimizing one‐ and two‐dimensional liquid chromatographic separations are discussed. The review culminates in some overall conclusions and several concrete recommendations.


Mimi J. den Uijl, Peter J. Schoenmakers, Bob W.J. Pirok, Maarten R. van Bommel: Recent applications of retention modelling in liquid chromatography. JSepSci 2021; 44:88-114. DOI: 10.1002/jssc.202000905

Symposium website

International Symposium on the Separation and Characterization of Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules: SCM-X