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Vincent Bodifee

'There are always various paradoxes that you have to deal with as a leader'

Vincent Bodifee, Team Manager and Business Change Manager at Netherlands Police 

'EPMS is a tailor-made, attractive programme that allowed me to further develop my knowledge of business issues and my strategic-thinking skills. The structure of the programme takes into account that the study is often combined with a full-time or part-time job. I found the combination of taking classes on campus and studying at home very valuable. On the one hand, this combination offers the opportunity to stay in contact with other students and collaborate with them. On the other hand, you have ample time to dive into valuable case histories and management dilemmas.'

'One of my first insights during the programme, was that there are always various paradoxes that you have to deal with as a leader. I was able to directly apply this new knowledge into practice. Themes such as ambidexterity* and training the ability to be adaptive, receive a lot of attention in this programme. These themes are very important in an increasingly rapidly changing society. As a student, you learn more about a number of theories that form the basis for thinking about strategic issues at a more abstract level. In my opinion, the study provides a good balance between theoretical knowledge and knowledge that immediately can be applied into the business.'

'The programme helped me to reflect on the trajectory of the Management Team of my organisation. I learned more about which mechanisms and decisions will help me shape that trajectory. By following this programme, you will gain the knowledge and insights to think about these matters in a profound way. It forms the basis from which you can make different decisions and it helps you to look at matters from different perspectives.'

'I think the enthusiastic teachers are the programme's strength. All of the teachers have a lot of theoretical academic knowledge, and they also know what the current themes are in the daily business world. The programme itself is challenging and, of course, requires an academic way of thinking. When you are writing your thesis, you are challenged to apply all of the acquired academic knowledge.'

'There is a great atmosphere at the Amsterdam Business School: it all feels very relaxed, you have time to form a connection with teachers and fellow students. I always looked forward to seeing my classmates again on Fridays. The group assignments in particular were challenging, but also a lot of fun. Through these assignments, you strengthen your connections with the rest of the group. And of course, a lot of students were up for some shared drinks at a nearby bar after a long Friday of classes.'

'The combination of studying and working was quite challenging and difficult at times for me. Next to having a job and spending about 12 hours a week on self-study, I also have a family life with 2 daughters (one of them was born during my studies). If there is any advice I would like to give to future students, it would be to inform yourself about the programme and the time investment that comes with it. I would say you have to make sure you have the discipline to keep up with the programme for 1.5 or 2 years.'

'Work together, create summaries. Share input with each other. This will enrich your knowledge and it makes preparing for the exams easier. Make sure you are able to attend all classes, that provides a huge advantage in terms of social connections and studying and preparing for exams.'

*Organisational ambidexterity refers to an organisation’s ability to be efficient in managing today’s business operations and also adapting to the changing demands of tomorrow.