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Marit Luijckx - MSc Business Administration Amsterdam Business School

'You get a taste of how it all works in the real world'

Marit Luijckx - Digital Marketing

'For me, this Master's programme at the University of Amsterdam was really appealing, because of the focus on different business sectors related to marketing. I like the flexibility the UvA gives you. You can put together a programme with the courses that you find interesting. What I really like are the business labs. They take a "deep dive" in certain topics, with smaller workgroups and more room for discussions. By focusing on a specific company case, you use your academic knowledge and apply it to real life.'

'I was happily surprised that besides the courses of your Master's program, there is a lot of attention for your future career. Not only in the business labs, but also in the business seminars where great speakers are invited, and you get a taste of how it all works in the "real world".'

'I feel that studying in Amsterdam gives you a great advantage in the job market. It is such an innovative and creative city, with many exciting job opportunities. As part of the Career Beyond Borders Committee from the MAA, I organised a study trip to Berlin with the other members. These extracurricular activities helped me to feel part of a new city and get to know a lot of people!'

'In the future I want to work for a company where I can combine my Marketing skills and my knowledge about sustainability, preferably in Amsterdam.'