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Take a tour around our campus. Expect lively surroundings with excellent facilities and an informal atmosphere.

Amsterdam, your city of choice

Photo Gebouwen Amsterdam

Amsterdam is an unbeatable choice for student life. Nowhere else will you find this heady mix of international population, thrilling nightlife, historic and hypermodern arts and culture, soothing nature and architectural beauty. UvA Economics and Business is located in the middle of it all. You'll never forget - let alone regret - your time here.

Amsterdam Roeterseiland Campus

UvA’s Economics and Business is situated on the Amsterdam Roeterseiland Campus, in the eastern part of the city centre. The campus is a knowledge hub for Economics and Business, Law and Social and Behavioural Sciences. Clustering these disciplines promotes efficient exchange of knowledge and better collaboration. 

You can easily reach our campus by public transport. It is surrounded by numerous trendy bars and restaurants, and attractions like Artis (the Amsterdam zoo), the Hortus botanical gardens, the fascinating Tropen museum, the National Holocaust museum and the famous Hermitage museum.


ABS Plantage Muidergracht

The campus has its own library, specialised in economics and business related material.  The quiet surroundings offer you the opportunity to concentrate while reading and studying.

The main UvA library at the Singel is open to all students, along with 6 other UvA libraries at different locations in the city centre. 

Study Centres
With around 1,100 planned study workspaces, the Amsterdam Business School and Amsterdam School of Economics offer you up-to-date, modern computer facilities. A wireless internet connection is available in all buildings. 

Restaurants and bars

The Amsterdam Roeterseiland Campus has some good on-campus restaurants for you to choose from. They offer a wide selection of sandwiches, salads, fruits and soups, while a choice of hot meals is served at subsidised prices. There is also a trendy bar with ample seating for students, both inside and on the summer terrace, to comfortably enjoy a drink in a lively atmosphere.

Arts and culture
In a creative mood? Or want to enjoy arts? Then CREA is your place to be. UvA’s arts and culture centre organises courses and workshops in music, theater, dance, film, digital media, photography and literature. Also CREA yearly organises dozens of performances, concerts, events and exhibitions.

University sports centre

Want some exercise after hard work? From Aikido to indoor climbing, the University Sports Centre (USC) offers over 70 sports and fitness activities for you to participate in.