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Diane Vitriolo

'Having students from different backgrounds makes you learn not only from the university but from your fellow students as well.'

Diane Vitriolo (Philippines)

'Aside from the University of Amsterdam being one of the top universities in Europe, I also like that there are many other international students, as diversity is important to me. I love the combination of theoretical and practical knowledge in building a business and improving your entrepreneurial mindset, and that’s why I chose the MSc Entrepreneurship.'

'Some of my favourite courses are The Startup Project and The Venture Challenge, where we build and developed our own startup together with our classmates. In both these courses, we had to propose solutions to real-life business challenges as student consultants. Although most of my classes were online this year, I still felt that Amsterdam Business School was able to help in the best way they can. For example, through organising the Master’s Connect Programme where we were assigned to a mentor a fellow students to meet occasionally and discuss student issues like writing a thesis and finding a job.'

'It was easy to make friends and build connections as most students are like-minded as well. In addition, having students from different backgrounds (countries, courses, age group, etc), makes you learn not only from the university but from your fellow students as well.'

'I love studying in Amsterdam since its very international and welcoming to international students! I feel very safe and the student community was open and warm. I plan to find a job either in a startup, scale up or corporation to gain more experience first and then eventually start in building my own business after a few years.'